United States Patent

Microwave Cooker: Taste Recognized Around the World

Machiko Chiba
Culinary Researcher


Development work on several microwave oven products, invention patented in United States, working to encourage new ways of using microwave ovenns. Publishes in newspapers and magazines in America and Japan.

Microwave Cooker, devised by culinary researcher Machiko Chiba to harness the power of microwave ovens, provides a simple way to prepare small and delicious maeals in short period of time. Equipped with two lids, it makes food preparation as fast as using a pressrue cooker. The Microwave Cooker produces plump and delicious potatoes and pumpkin, aptly releases steam and lets you cook up to 2 gou of rice (four bowls of rice). The small amaout of water required for boilling means that no precious nutrients are lost. And since heating occres over a short period of time, meats and vegetables retain ther natural flavors so little seasoning is needed.
The stic-resistant pot allows cooking without oils, making Microwave Cooker ideal for diets and special alimenatary regimes. The double walls retain heat for some time after cooking.
